Friday, September 22, 2023

Symphony of Secrets by Brendan Slocumb

 Title: Symphony of Secrets

Author: Brendan Slocumb
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 9/21/2023
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Frederic Delancey, historic musician from the 1920's, Bern, the researcher in modern times, Delancey Foundation, Josephine Rose
What happens? DF hires Bern to finish the RED part of the 5 piece (colors of the Olympic flag) opera.  Back in the 1920s, Fred figures out JoR's musical notations (she sees music in colors and writes in symbols) and becomes rich and famous.
How long was this? 424 pages
Did I like this? It was OK.  The whole premise of inventing a musical composer bigger than Beethoven is hard to swallow.  He built a reasonable story.
Overall grade: B-

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo

 Title: Sworn to Silence

Author: Linda Castillo
Did I listen or read?: libby audiobook 
When did I finish?: 9/19/2023
When was the book published: 2029
Main Characters: Kate Burkholder, book 1, John Tomasetti the BCI renegade, her brother Jacob, the Sheriff from the next town over, other cops Skid and Bones or whatever
What happens? A serial killer is stringing up women and carving a number in them.  Brutal murders.  Amish community.  Kate is Amish, but banned.
How long was this? 321 pages
Did I like this? A good story, yes.  Very exciting ending.  VERY gory
Overall grade: B+

Monday, September 18, 2023

The House in the Pines by Ana Reyes

 Title: The House in the Pines

Author: Ana Reyes
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 9/18/2023
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Maya, boyfriend Dan, former best friend Aubrey, bad guy Frank
What happens? Maya is going off to college and meets mysterious man Frank.  Maya is struggling after college, living with Dan but still upset about what happened with Frank years ago.
How long was this? 317 pages
Did I like this? really good story, well-paced, creepy mysterious but an excellent first novel
Overall grade: A-

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Echo Man by Sam Holland

 Title: The Echo Man

Author: Sam Holland
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Sep 4 2023
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Cara Elliot and Noah Deakin, cops, Cara's brother Nash Griffin, Jessica Ambrose, suburban housewife whose house burns down
What happens? A serial killer is imitating all the great serial killers.
How long was this? 323 pages
Did I like this? Extraordinarily brutal.  A good plot, very bad ending
Overall grade: B-

Someone Knows by Lisa Scottoline

 Title:  Someone Knows

Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: audio via libby, to/from Santa Barbara Labor Day
When did I finish?: 9/4/2023
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: 4 kids, Julian, Sasha, Allie, Mark (Steve?) and new kid Kyle, Kyle's mom Barb, Allie's husband (Jason??)
What happens? 4 teenagers mess around with a gun they found, and play a Russian Roulette prank on Kyle.  Guess what happens
How long was this? 12 hours, 400 pages
Did I like this? Good story, entertaining, believable, stretched out a bit, got ragged at the end with some tying together stuff
Overall grade: B+