Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo

 Title: Sworn to Silence

Author: Linda Castillo
Did I listen or read?: libby audiobook 
When did I finish?: 9/19/2023
When was the book published: 2029
Main Characters: Kate Burkholder, book 1, John Tomasetti the BCI renegade, her brother Jacob, the Sheriff from the next town over, other cops Skid and Bones or whatever
What happens? A serial killer is stringing up women and carving a number in them.  Brutal murders.  Amish community.  Kate is Amish, but banned.
How long was this? 321 pages
Did I like this? A good story, yes.  Very exciting ending.  VERY gory
Overall grade: B+

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