Monday, February 26, 2024

Hero by Thomas Perry

 Title: Hero

Author: Thomas Perry
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 2/25/2024
When was the book published:  2024
Main Characters: Justine Poole, bodyguard to the stars, Leo Sealy and Mr. Conger.  Joe Alston, random stranger
What happens? Justine's boss, Ben Spengler, calls her out to help as the Pinskys are about to be robbed by 5 guys in a follow from a fancy restaurant robbery.  Justine kills two guys.  Mr. Conger wants to avenge them, and hires Leo Sealy to kill her.  Leo is a pro.  Justine is a pro.
How long was this? 293 pages
Did I like this? Ok, not riveting.  Well thought out, detailed - two adversaries who are very smart and don't make mistakes.
Overall grade: B

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