Wednesday, March 27, 2024

None of This is True by Lisa Jewell

 Title: None of This is True

Author: Lisa Jewell
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 3/27/2024
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Alix Summer, podcaster, Nathan, husband, Josie Fair, born the same day as Alix, same hospital, Josie's husband Walter, kids Roxy and Erin.
What happens? Josie realizes that Alix's was born on the same day, birthday twins, forces herself into her life, weird stuff happens, and has happened.  Hard to tell what the truth is.
How long was this? 370 pages
Did I like this? It was engrossing, but weird, complex characters who were a bit frustrating
Overall grade: B+

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger

 Title: The River We Remember 

Author: William Kent Krueger
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 21, 2024
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Cop Brody Dern, Jimmy Quinn, brother Tom and wife Garnet, Angie runs the diner, her son Scott.  Noah Bluestone and wife Kyoko.  Lawyer Charlie
What happens? Jimmy is found dead, with the catfish eating him in the Alabaster river.  Everything points at Noah (or his wife) and they will not say anything as Charlie (Charlotte) tries to help.
How long was this? 424 pages
Did I like this? Really good story, great characters.  Not a great mystery, but a very exciting ending.
Overall grade: A-

The Dilemma by B.A. Paris

 Title: The Dilemma

Author: B.A. Paris
Did I listen or read?: libby audio book
When did I finish?: 3/21/2024
When was the book published: 2019
Main Characters: Livia and Adam, son Josh, daughter Marnie, best friend Nelson, his wife, Rob and Jess
What happens? Livia's throwing herself a massive 40th bday party, in part to make up for a wedding she never had because her parents disowned her.  Marnie is in Hong Kong studying, but wants to come back for the surprise.  Livia has learned a surprise about Marnie.
How long was this? 342 pages, 9 hours
Did I like this? It was not great.  Repeated hours of justifying why to keep two secrets from each other.
Overall grade: B-

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

No Reserve by Felix Francis

 Title: No Reserve 

Author: Felix Francis
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 3/12/2024
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Theo Jennings, horse auctioneer, Janis from accounting, Peter Radway, his boss, Elliott Mitchell and Brian Kitman
What happens? Theo auctions off a horse and it's bid up to 3 million.  He overhears Mitchell and Kitman in the men's room discussing how they illegally pushed the price up.  The horse dies.  Theo investigates.
How long was this? 256 pages
Did I like this? Excellent Francis horse story
Overall grade: A-

Friday, March 8, 2024

The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny

 Title: The Madness of Crowds

Author: Louise Penny
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 7, 2024
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Gamache, wife Reine-Marie, Beauvoir, Lacoste.  Clara, Myrna, Gabri and the other dude.  Abigail Robinson. Vincent Gilbert the "asshole saint". Chancellor Claudette Roberts.  Danielle Schneider.  Haniya Dayoud
What happens? Abigail Robinson takes pandemic data and presents "why euthanasia is the right thing" for the elderly and handicapped.  Gamache has to do security duty for her speech at a local U.  Someone takes a shot at her.  It gets really complicated.
How long was this? 436 pages
Did I like this? It was not the best Gamache, repetitive and stretched out, with repeated (not occasional) ties to their personal lives, and roles as parents and grandparents.  
Overall grade: B

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Master of Change by Brad Stulberg

 Title: Master of Change

Author: Brad Stulberg
Did I listen or read?: library book (link+)
When did I finish?: March 5, 2024
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: see the Word document "Master of Change by Brad Stulberg"
What happens?
How long was this? 198 pages
Did I like this? Very good, well done, not stretched out
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, March 2, 2024

First Degree by David Rosenfelt

 Title: First Degree

Author: David Rosenfelt
Did I listen or read?: libby audio book
When did I finish?: Feb 29, 2024
When was the book published: 2003
Main Characters: Andy Carpenter book 2, girlfriend partner Laurie Collins, dog Tara, Judge Hatchett, Miller from the first book and his dog Cash, 
What happens? Former crooked cop and Collins enemy Dorsey is found burned to death with his head chopped off.  Is it really him? Why does the evidence point at Oscar Garcia, drug peddler that Laurie has been tracking.
How long was this? 302 pages
Did I like this? Very enjoyable, fast paced, humor.  
Overall grade: A-