Thursday, March 21, 2024

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger

 Title: The River We Remember 

Author: William Kent Krueger
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 21, 2024
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Cop Brody Dern, Jimmy Quinn, brother Tom and wife Garnet, Angie runs the diner, her son Scott.  Noah Bluestone and wife Kyoko.  Lawyer Charlie
What happens? Jimmy is found dead, with the catfish eating him in the Alabaster river.  Everything points at Noah (or his wife) and they will not say anything as Charlie (Charlotte) tries to help.
How long was this? 424 pages
Did I like this? Really good story, great characters.  Not a great mystery, but a very exciting ending.
Overall grade: A-

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