Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Bury the Lead by David Rosenfelt

 Title: Bury the Lead

Author: David Rosenfelt
Did I listen or read?: libby audiobook
When did I finish?: 4/8/2024
When was the book published: 2005
Main Characters: Andy Carpenter #3, Laurie, Kevin the assistant and laundromat owner - 
What happens? Andy's friend Vince the news paper guy hires him to help journalist Daniel Cummings who is the mouthpiece for a serial killer who cuts off the victims hands.  Andy unravels a plot with a lot of nasty characters with bad histories.
How long was this? 320 pages, 7 hours
Did I like this? Always fun to be with Andy and Willie and Tara the golden retriever
Overall grade: B+

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