Thursday, June 27, 2024

Decider by Dick Francis

 Title: Decider

Author: Dick Francis
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 27, 2024 by the pool with the kids inside playing "What Do You Meme?"
When was the book published: 1993
Main Characters: Lee Morris, the Stratton family, aunt Marjorie, Conrad, Keith, Dart, Rebecca the rider, Hannah the half sister, Colonel Roger Gardner, manager of the race course
What happens? Lee is approached by Gardner and Oliver Wells to help deal with the Strattons after the old man passes, and the remaining family squabbles over the fate of the racecourse, which Lee holds 8 shares (out of 100) as his mother was Keith's first wife.
How long was this? 318 pages
Did I like this? super Dick Francis story, Lee and his six boys and his unique marriage situation
Overall grade: A-

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