Monday, July 22, 2024

Demolition Angel by Robert Crais

 Title: Demolition Angel

Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 22, 2024
When was the book published: 2000
Main Characters: Carol Starkey, Mr. Red, Tennant the prisoner with no thumb, Charlie Riggio, John Pell from the fed ATC
What happens? Riggio gets blown up, Mr. Red is the suspect, Tennant the link to RDX to make Modex.  Starkey struggles with her near-death experience working a bomb 3 years ago.  Lots of gin.
How long was this? 388 pages
Did I like this? Good story, tense, hard to read with the alcoholism and anger.
Overall grade: B+

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