Sunday, December 26, 2010

Split Image by Robert Parker

Title: Split Image - w/ Jesse Stone and Sunny Randall
Author: Robert Parker in 2010, one of his last books
Did I listen or read?: Read the library book
When did I finish?: December 2010
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Jesse Stone, Sunny Randall, 2 gangsters who live in Paradise and are married to twins, a girl who lives in a weird religious cult
What happens? The henchmen of the gangsters start turning up dead, and Jesse has to figure it out. Sunny takes a case where the parents want their daughter extracted from a cult. Jesse and Sunny compare relationships, divorce and shrinks. Parker spends a lot of time exploring Jesse Stone's struggle with moving on from his divorce, his drinking, etc. "Suits" and the other department members join in. Tom Selleck plays Jesse, but I don't know who plays Sunny.
How long was this? Usual Robert Parker, 300 pages double spaced
Did I like this? Yes, Parker writes a good mystery with some twists and turns. The book has the entire Parker bibliography in the front by main character, and I scanned it because I have t go back and read them all.
Overall grade: B+ - not a great book, but enjoyable, well done.

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