Saturday, December 25, 2010

Taste of Death by P.D. James

Title: Taste of Death by P.D. James

Author: P.D. James

Did I listen or read?: Listen

When did I finish?: Late December, 2010

When was the book published: Approx 1985

Main Characters: Adam Dalgleish, Lady Urstula, Kate Mishkin

What happens? A woman and her young friend come upon a murder scene in a church vestry. Murdered are Paul Barone, a minister in the government and a baronet, and Harry Mack, a local homeless dude. Their throats are slit with Paul's razor. Did Paul kill Harry and then himself? What happened with his recent religious vision and decision to quit his government post? Was his wife, who is sleeping (openly) with a leading ob/gyn involved? What role did the recent related deaths play - of Diana Travers, who drowned in the Thames near the Black Swan, or of Theresa Nolan, who killed herself in guilt over her recent abortion?

How long was this? This was a free audio book from the library and is 18 hours long.

Did I like this? This story is stretched out as long as it possibly could be. The story is a good solid one, and Adam Dalgleish is a character to read about again, but EVERY character gets an "interior monologue" and EVERY interview with a related person goes for 45 minutes.

Overall grade: I am going to go with a B. Good story, but way too long. Good writing, so I was able to follow the plot despite daydreaming through lengthy descriptions of some third level character's home.

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