Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blood Trust by Eric Van Lustbader

Title: Blood Trust
Author: Eric Van Lustbader
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: February 10, 2012
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Alli Carson, Jack McClure, Thate, Policewoman Heroe, her boss Fraine, Annika Dementiava
What happens? President Carson is dead, his wife passes away, daughter Alli is in spy school and her boyfriend is tortured and murdered because he happens to stumble upon the massive bank conspiracy of the Syrian, masterminded by Alli's missing cousin Caroline. Really.
How long was this? 415 pages
Did I like this? Absolutely the worst. Incomprehensible. Hard to read. Laughable at times. I can't figure out why I finished it. The hero (McClure) is of course irresistible to women, so every woman in the plot is love with him. Every single one. This guy was signed to continue the Bourne tradition, but I am tempted to never read another word he writes.
Overall grade: D+

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