Saturday, April 7, 2012

Moscow Rules by Daniel Silva

Title: Moscow Rules
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: April 7, 2012
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon, Israeli Spy and painter/forgerer/refinisher, his wife Chiara, bad guy Ivan Kharkov, Russian arms dealer, his wife Elena, journalist Elena Sukhova
What happens? A journalist wants to reveal a secret, but will only talk to Allon. He is murdered in Rome in a church before he can speak, and Allon has to go find the truth in Moscow. He is captured and tossed in jail, and released, but pursues the truth by getting Kharkov's wife to help out.
How long was this? 420 pages
Did I like this? very good spy story, lots of action, fast moving
Overall grade: B+

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