Saturday, May 26, 2012

Believing the Lie by Elizabeth George

Title:  Believing the Lie

Author: Elizabeth George

Did I listen or read?: Library book

When did I finish?: May 25, 2012

When was the book published:  Jan 2012

Main Characters:  Bernard and Valerie Fairclough, their childred Manette, divorced from Fred, disabled daughter Mignon, ex-drug addict son Nicholas married to Brazilian beauty Alatea, trash journalist Zed Benjamin, Thomas Lynley, Barbara Havers, Simon St. James and Deborah, Ian Cresswell who left his wife Niamh to be with gay lover Kaveh, and their kids Tim and Gracie, Haver's neighbors Hadiyah Azhar and father, living with her mother Angelina

What happens?  Ian Cresswell dies getting out of his kayak in the beachhouse, and Bernard gets Hillier (Scotland Yard) to bring Lynley in on the case to find out if son Nicholas was responsible.  A whole series of family secrets are revealed about the Faircloughs. Lynley goes to the Lake District (Cumbria) with St. James and Deborah going undercover to get to the truth.

How long was this?  530 pages

Did I like this?  One of the best George's, fast moving with multiple interesting plots.

Overall grade:  A-

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