Saturday, June 9, 2012

Iron River by T. Jefferson Parker

Title: Iron River
Author: T. Jefferson Parker
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: June 8, 2012
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Charlie Hood, Brandon Jones/Smith, Ron Pace (in the first person), Uncle Chester, strange Mike Finnegan, daughter Owens, kidnapped Jimmy Holdstock
What happens?  Trying to catch gun smugglers running away from ATFE officers, an innocent kid is shot and killed accidentally.  He turns out to be the son of a Mexican gangster, and they kidnap and torture Holdstock.  Twice.  Meanwhile, Ron Pace restarts his gun business building 1000 weapons for a Mexican gangster.
How long was this?  368 pages
Did I like this?  Parts I loved, and parts I hated.  The brutality and violence and the whole mexican situation is depressing.  Hood is brilliant; you have to root for Ron Pace to get the girl, and Mike Finnegan (the devil??) is a really interesting twist.
Overall grade:  Some places an A+ and some a B-.

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