Saturday, June 16, 2012

In Plain Sight by C.J. Box

Title: In Plain Sight
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 10, 2012
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, wife Marybeth, daughters Sheridan and Lucy, brief appearance by Nate Romanowski, the Scarlett family, Opal, sons Hank, Arlen and Wyatt.  J.W. Keeley from Joe's past
What happens?  Opal disappears and the book starts with Hank and Arlen taking shovels to each other's heads.  Keeley becomes part of the ranch mob at Hank's ranch, while terrorizing Joe and family with a dead ferret and beheaded moose.
How long was this?  303 pages
Did I like this? yes, real good story, good characters, Joe is a good hero.  He actually gets beat up in the middle...very different.
Overall grade: B+

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