Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trophy Hunt by C.J. Box

Title: Trophy Hunt
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Feb 17, 2013
When was the book published: 2004
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, Marybeth, Sheridan, Lucy, Nate Romanowski, neighbors the Logues, Sheriff Barnum, FBI Agent Portenson, DA and friend Robey Hersig.  Ike and Not Ike.
What happens? Animals are being mutilated.  They are not being attacked by predators after death.  Then humans start showing up mutilated and dead.  A task force is formed to figure out if it is birds, animals, aliens, or whatever.  No one wants Joe on the task force.  The discovery of some type of oil substance is causing energy prices to skyrocket.  Joe is the only one who keeps after the truth and figures it out.
How long was this? 323 pages
Did I like this? love C.J. Box.  Didn't love the gruesome mutilation descriptions.
Overall grade: B+

California Girl by T. Jefferson Parker

Title: California Girl
Author: T. Jefferson Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Feb 9, 2013
When was the book published: 2004
Main Characters: The Becker brothers.  David becomes a priest, Andy a reporter, Nick a homicide detective, and Clay dies in Vietnam.  Janelle Vonn is the beautiful daughter of their white trash neighbors, and she winds up dead and beheaded in an abandoned orange grove in SoCal.
What happens? Timothy Leary and Charles Manson make token appearances in this fabulous tale of Southern California in the 1960's.  The Becker boys and the Vonn boys have a brawl, and the Vonns disintegrate in alcoholism and abuse.  Janelle revels in the party lifestyle with a rockstar boyfriend and older men worshiping here.  Andy and Nick crack the case, and then revisit it 30 years later.
How long was this? 370 pages
Did I like this? Parker is the best, great story.  
Overall grade: A-

I Hate My Neck by Nora Ephron

Title: I Hate My Neck
Author: Nora Ephron
Did I listen or read?: audible.com audiobook
When did I finish?: Feb 14, 2013
When was the book published:  2006?
Main Characters: Nora Ephron
What happens? Nora talks about her life, her neck, her apartment, cooking, meeting celebs.
How long was this? 4.5 hours
Did I like this? I think it is unfair to generalize that woman are like Nora, or have the same thoughts and feelings and obsessions.  So perhaps this is not a view into the modern woman's psyche.  It was entertaining, but the voice was difficult to listen to (I think it was Nora!)
Overall grade: C

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wanted Man by Lee Child

Title: Wanted Man
Author: Lee Child
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Feb 2, 2013 10:30 pm
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Reacher, Sorensen (Female FBI agent,) Karen Delfuenso (hostage,) McQueen + Alan King (hostage takers), Peter King, Police Chief Goodman
, Lester L Lester
What happens? A man is murdered in a pumping station in Nebraska.  The killers take hostages to help get through checkpoints, first Karen, then Reacher (a hitchhiker.)  A complicated plot follows with the CIA, FBI, terrorists, and undercover agents.  Reacher has a broken nose and is still trying to go to Virginia.
How long was this? 402 pages
Did I like this? Of course.  It's Reacher.  Got it on Wednesday, finished it on Saturday.  It was a little hard to swallow Reacher being picked up as a hitchhiker by the bad guys, but other than that, it is the usual fast paced action and Reacher tactical analysis.
Overall grade: A-

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Title: Gone Girl
Author: Gillian Flynn
Did I listen or read?: Kindle book, converted from Wendy's Nook.
When did I finish?: Jan 29, 2013
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Nick and Amy Dunne, his sister Margo (Go,) her parents, a couple of media ladies who carry the story nationwide, his mistress, cops Boney and Gilpin

What happens? Nick and Amy live in New York, both lose their jobs, move back to his home in the heartland, and their marriage falls apart.  She has disappeared, and all evidence points to him.  He claims he is innocent, but his behavior points the other way - kind of.
How long was this?
Did I like this? Top notch story, very
Overall grade: A

Faithful Place by Tana French

Title: Faithful Place
Author: Tana French
Did I listen or read?:  audiobook
When did I finish?: Jan 25th, 2013
When was the book published:
Main Characters: brothers Frank Mackey Sean Mackey and Kevin, sisters Jackie and Carmel, Ma and Da Mackey, exwife Liv and daughter Holly, Rosie Daley.  Cops: Scorcher Kennedy and Steve
What happens?  20+ years after Frank and Rosie were to run away and she no-shows, her luggage shows up in the empty house at 16 Faithful Place.

How long was this?  16 hours?
Did I like this? Superb, great writing, great characters, great story.  Bonus - I listened to it read in a Irish accent.

Overall grade: A