Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wanted Man by Lee Child

Title: Wanted Man
Author: Lee Child
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: Feb 2, 2013 10:30 pm
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Reacher, Sorensen (Female FBI agent,) Karen Delfuenso (hostage,) McQueen + Alan King (hostage takers), Peter King, Police Chief Goodman
, Lester L Lester
What happens? A man is murdered in a pumping station in Nebraska.  The killers take hostages to help get through checkpoints, first Karen, then Reacher (a hitchhiker.)  A complicated plot follows with the CIA, FBI, terrorists, and undercover agents.  Reacher has a broken nose and is still trying to go to Virginia.
How long was this? 402 pages
Did I like this? Of course.  It's Reacher.  Got it on Wednesday, finished it on Saturday.  It was a little hard to swallow Reacher being picked up as a hitchhiker by the bad guys, but other than that, it is the usual fast paced action and Reacher tactical analysis.
Overall grade: A-

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