Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Title: Gone Girl
Author: Gillian Flynn
Did I listen or read?: Kindle book, converted from Wendy's Nook.
When did I finish?: Jan 29, 2013
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Nick and Amy Dunne, his sister Margo (Go,) her parents, a couple of media ladies who carry the story nationwide, his mistress, cops Boney and Gilpin

What happens? Nick and Amy live in New York, both lose their jobs, move back to his home in the heartland, and their marriage falls apart.  She has disappeared, and all evidence points to him.  He claims he is innocent, but his behavior points the other way - kind of.
How long was this?
Did I like this? Top notch story, very
Overall grade: A

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