Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sherlock Holmes and the Hapsburg Tiara by Alan Vaneman and Simon Vance

Title: Sherlock Holmes and the Hapsburg Tiara
Author: Alan Vaneman and Simon Vance
Did I listen or read?: audio book, free from library
When did I finish?: Sep 25, 2013
When was the book published: don't know
Main Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, his adopted daughter Jenny, Winston Churchill, the Archduke guy from Vienna
What happens? Winston Churchill brings in Holmes to work a case, then sends him away immediately.  Holmes stays on the case and tracks down stolen diamonds and a diabolical murderer who is a member of the aristocracy, the Archduke dued.
How long was this? 9 hours
Did I like this? Ok in points, dragged on forever in points
Overall grade: C+

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