Saturday, October 5, 2013

Vanishing Point by Marcia Muller

Title: Vanishing Point
Author: Marcia Muller
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Sep 27, 2013
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: One of the Sharon McCone mysteries, set in SF and all around California, central coast, her new husband, a whole bunch of people in her agency.
What happens? She investigates the 20 year old disappearance of Laurel Greenwood, hired by her daughter to find out what happened to her.  Her husband burned all of her paintings and forbid talk of her after she disappeared, and we find out why as the plot unfolds.
How long was this? 322 pages
Did I like this? OK, she throws 4,018 characters out in the first 10 pages, probably would be better to start earlier in the series, but once she gets the story rolling it is pretty interesting.  I will likely try another Sharon McCone.
Overall grade: B

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