Saturday, February 15, 2014

Night Film by Marisha Pessi

Title: Night Film
Author: Marisha Pessi
Did I listen or read?: hard cover book, gift from Jacob xmas 2013
When did I finish?: Feb 7, 2014
When was the book published: 2013
Main Characters: Ashley Cordova, Stanislas Cordova, journalist Scott McGrath, two young sidekicks
What happens?  McGrath investigates Ashley's death, delving into the mysterious world of Cordova's films, and the estate where lived as a recluse building a film study.  Did he recreate his films in real life and torture his children?  Was his daughter haunted by black magic?
How long was this? 550 pages approx
Did I like this? Excellent book, very unique style, a real page turner
Overall grade: An A- because of the ending.  But a great book.

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