Friday, February 28, 2014

The Last Good Man by A.J. Kasinski

Title: The Last Good Man
Author: A.J. Kasinski
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from the library
When did I finish?: February 27, 2014
When was the book published: no idea
Main Characters: Nils Benson, copy, an Italian cop, Hannah Luft, math researcher
What happens? There are 36 good men, as designated in a Torah legend, who are doing good and keep the human race alive.  They are all dying, and as each dies, a tattoo appears on their back with their number in the sequence.  Nils and the Italian cop figure out what is going on and race frantically to prevent the final two murders in the sequence.
How long was this? 11 hours+
Did I like this? Actually better than I thought it would be.  Painfully long and hard to follow at first, but the plot and characters come into view in the second half, good plot twist.
Overall grade: B

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