Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Heist by Daniel Silva

Title:  The Heist
Author: Daniel Silva
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Aug 9, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Gabriel Allon, wife Chiara, Uzi Navot, Abe Shamron, Julian Isherwood, General Cesare Ferrari (with one eye,) Jack Bradshaw, Jihan Nawaz, raised in Hama in 1982
What happens? Some guy asks Isherwood to finish a deal with Bradshaw, and he finds him dead in his Italian villa.  A stolen Caravaggio is in play, and Daniel is taken from his work restoring a church in Venice while waiting for Chiara to deliver twins by blackmail, as they threaten to throw Isherwood in jail unless he works for them.  He winds up recruiting Jihan to act against the evil Syrian who is her boss in an Austrian bank.
How long was this? 472 pages
Did I like this? good, familiar characters, interesting story, a few twists and turns, but not incredibly riveting
Overall grade: B+

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