Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jossi Adler Olson

Title: The Keeper of Lost Causes
Author: Jossi Adler Olson
Did I listen or read?: audiobook
When did I finish?: July 27, 2014
When was the book published:
Main Characters: Merette Lyngaard, brother Uffe, Carl Morck, Asad
What happens? Carl is a Danish cop whose partner is murdered and other partner crippled in the line of duty.  He is pushed to aside to Dept Q where Asad is hired as his driver, and he takes on the 5 year old suicide of Merette, and comes to believe that it is not a suicide.  The author takes us back 5 years to where Merette is caring for Uffe, seriously injured in a car crash in their youth that killed their parents.  Merette is kidnapped and locked in a room for years...
How long was this? 14 hours
Did I like this? Not at the beginning, but it got good, and they made a movie out of it!
Overall grade: B+

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