Saturday, January 10, 2015

SIlkworm by Robert Galbraith

Title: Silkworm
Author: Robert Galbraith
Did I listen or read?: Nook book
When did I finish?: Jan 9, 2015
When was the book published: June, 2014
Main Characters: Cormoran Strike for the 2nd time, his girl Robin and her fiance Matthew, author Owen Quine, wife Leonora and mentally handicapped daughter Orlando, plus a cast of writers, agents and publishers
What happens?  Leonora hires Strike to find Owen, who has gone missing after making a stink about his book called Bombyx Mori (aka Silkworm.)  Owen turns up dead (found by Strike murdered in brutal fashion), and the evidence points to Leonora, and Strike makes it his mission to clear her name.  How long was this? 454 pages
Did I like this?  Pretty good.  Plot and the multiple characters swirling around Quine was a bit hard to follow, but I am very interested in the continued adventures of Strike and Robin.
Overall grade: B+

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