Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Book of Spies by Gayle Lynds

Title: The Book of Spies
Author: Gayle Lynds
Did I listen or read?: library audio book
When did I finish?: December 10, 2014
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Eva Blake, Judd Ryder
What happens?  Eva gets thrown in jail for the death of her husband in a bizarre car accident, and Judd's father is assassinated while talking to someone about the Library of Gold.  Judd and Eva get thrown together chasing around Europe to find the mysterious cabal of influential and powerful men who have been part of a vast world wide conspiracy to protect the Library of Gold while having their own careers flourish through manipulated events.
How long was this? 12 hours
Did I like this? Barely.  Far fetched.  Like a Nicholas Cage novel, with mysterious powerful men spinning their web of influence and power without reasonable explanation.  Good exciting spy mystery at some points.
Overall grade: C+

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