Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Two Minute Rule by Robert Crais

Title: The Two Minute Rule
Author: Rpbert Crais
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jan 26, 2016
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: Max Holman, bank robber, his cop son Richie, ex-FBI agent Pollard, her boss Leeds, a buncha bad cops
What happens? Max gets out of prison for bank robbery and finds out his estranged son was a cop and was murdered along with three other cops.  He looks into it and other cops start trying to make him stop finding the truth about what's buried by the Hollywood sign.
How long was this? 560 pages large type edition
Did I like this? Love Crais, great characters and plot, even without Elvis Cole
Overall grade: A

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Purity by Jonathan Franzen

Title:  Purity
Author: Jonathan Franzen
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: January 23, 2016
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Purity (Pip) Tyler, Andreas Wolf, Tom Aberrant, Annagret, Annabel, Jason the tennis player, Colleen the co-worker from Boliva
What happens? What is this book about?  I don't even know.  It's an American story, but there is a lot of East Germany thrown in.  He starts with Pip, whose mother absolutely refuses to tell her who her father is or what her background is, and then goes into the backstory and current story of Tom, Andreas.  Every one of them is in a tortured relationship that is agonzing to read about.
How long was this? 562 pages
Did I like this? Sort of - he's a great writer, it's just painful to read what he writes about.  Psychologically challenging to say the least.
Overall grade: B

Lullaby Town by Robert Crais

Title: Lullaby Town
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: paperback from LA Barnes and Noble
When did I finish?: 1/13/16
When was the book published:1992
Main Characters: Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, Peter Alan Nelsen, Karen and Toby
What happens? Elvis is hired by Peter Alan Nelsen, wealthy and powerful movie producer, to find his ex-wife and their son who has disappeared from his life.   Cole finds them easily and (spoiler alert) the ex-wife is caught up with the mob as part of her job as VP in a bank.  Cole fixes it.
How long was this?317 pages
Did I like this? Real vintage excellent detective novel-age.  Loved it.
Overall grade: A-  only a minus because it got violent at the end.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz

Title: The Girl in the Spider's Web
Author: David Lagercranz
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: January 2, 2016
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Mikael Bloomquist and Lisbeth Salander return.  Frans Balder, his savant son, August, his ex-wife and her abusive famous actor husband
What happens? Balder works in information security and comes across some NSA documents that indicate the Solon (fictitious s/w company) is in cahoots with the NSA to do bad things.  He gets killed.  Lisbeth winds up helping the boy, who is the next target because he saw what happened.  Mikael's career is under suspicion and Millenium is under attack from a big media company that has invested in the magazine.
How long was this?  400 pages
Did I like this? It wasn't as good as the originals, but not too bad.
Overall grade: B

Full Dark House by Christopher Fowler

Title: Full Dark House
Author: Christopher Fowler
Did I listen or read?: paperback bought at the Grove, selected by Elissa, Dec 2015
When did I finish?:  Dec 28, 2015
When was the book published: 2003
Main Characters: Detectives Arthur Bryant and John May
What happens? The book goes back and forth to London during the blitzkrieg in WWII and modern day when Bryant is killed in an explosion that destroys their police office.
How long was this? 349 pages
Did I like this? Delightful British mystery, quirky and entertaining, gotta read more Peculiar Crimes Unit books
Overall grade: A-