Saturday, January 23, 2016

Lullaby Town by Robert Crais

Title: Lullaby Town
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: paperback from LA Barnes and Noble
When did I finish?: 1/13/16
When was the book published:1992
Main Characters: Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, Peter Alan Nelsen, Karen and Toby
What happens? Elvis is hired by Peter Alan Nelsen, wealthy and powerful movie producer, to find his ex-wife and their son who has disappeared from his life.   Cole finds them easily and (spoiler alert) the ex-wife is caught up with the mob as part of her job as VP in a bank.  Cole fixes it.
How long was this?317 pages
Did I like this? Real vintage excellent detective novel-age.  Loved it.
Overall grade: A-  only a minus because it got violent at the end.

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