Saturday, January 23, 2016

Purity by Jonathan Franzen

Title:  Purity
Author: Jonathan Franzen
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: January 23, 2016
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Purity (Pip) Tyler, Andreas Wolf, Tom Aberrant, Annagret, Annabel, Jason the tennis player, Colleen the co-worker from Boliva
What happens? What is this book about?  I don't even know.  It's an American story, but there is a lot of East Germany thrown in.  He starts with Pip, whose mother absolutely refuses to tell her who her father is or what her background is, and then goes into the backstory and current story of Tom, Andreas.  Every one of them is in a tortured relationship that is agonzing to read about.
How long was this? 562 pages
Did I like this? Sort of - he's a great writer, it's just painful to read what he writes about.  Psychologically challenging to say the least.
Overall grade: B

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