Saturday, June 11, 2016

Badlands by C.J. Box

Title: Badlands
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/11/16
When was the book published: 2015
Main Characters: Cassie Dewell, detective; Kyle Westergaard, paper boy / witness; T-Lock, Kyle's mother's scumbag boyfriend; the Lizard King who kills hookers at truck stops
What happens? Kyle witnesses a car accident and picks up a bag of drugs and money that are thrown a distance in the freezing North Dakota winter morning.  Cassie is working to put away the Lizard King and then moves to Grimstad to take on a new job as the fracking growth explodes and the drug cartels fight for control.
How long was this? 278 pages
Did I like this? Box is the best, can't miss whatever he puts out.  Great characters, good story.  Purty violent.
Overall grade:  A-

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