Saturday, June 11, 2016

Every 15 Minutes by Lisa Scottoline

Title:  Every 15 Minutes
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 4, 2016
When was the book published: 2015 I think
Main Characters:  Dr. Eric Parrish, Max Jakubowski, his grandmother, Eric's soon to be ex wife and daughter Hannah
What happens? Things simultaneously fall apart for Eric, and some pyschopath is behind it.  Who is it?  His wife is leaving him, his patient Max might be a threat to a girl he is stalking, he is being sued for sexual harrassment.
How long was this? 435 pages
Did I like this? It was OK.  It took a really long time to get into the guy's problems, and then they became a bit unbelievable.
Overall grade: C+

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