Saturday, August 13, 2016

Roadside Crosses by Jeffrey Deaver

Title: Roadside Crosses
Author: Jeffrey Deaver
Did I listen or read?: Nook
When did I finish?: July 23, 2016 ~
When was the book published:  2009
Main Characters: Kathryn Dance, Travis Bingham, James Chilton
What happens? Travis is a teenage loner/loser, and Chilton's blog appears to point at him as the driver in an accident that killed two girls after a party.  Crosses start appearing at roadside locations, and then people associated with Chilton's blog who spoke up against Travis start getting killed, or assaulted.  Travis disappears.  Dance's friend Michael O'Neil helps out, as does a college professor.
How long was this? 397 pages
Did I like this? Good enough.
Overall grade: B+

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