Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Slow Burn by Ace Atkins

Title: Slow Burn a Spenser Novel
Author: Ace Atkins ala Robert B Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: August 23, 2016
When was the book published: 2016
Main Characters: Spenser, Susan, Hawk, Z, Vinnie - three idiot arsonists, captain Jack Welch
What happens? The idiot arsonists are Sparks and decide that the best thing for the fire department is to set a lot of fires so they will get more equipment.  Captain Welch has Spenser look in to it.
How long was this? 304 pages
Did I like this? he does capture the Spenser thing very well, may be getting a little old, but I still want to look for Spenser re-runs on netflix.
Overall grade: B+

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