Sunday, September 5, 2021

American Dirt byJeanine Cummings

 Title: American Dirt

Author: Jeanine Cummings
Did I listen or read?: kindle
When did I finish?: Sept 1, 2021
When was the book published: 2020
Main Characters: Lydia and Luca, Rebeca and Soledad, Javier, El Chacal
What happens? Lydia's husband the journalist writes about Javier, the new cartel king of Acapulco.  Javier becomes a friend of Lydia in her bookstore.  When the big article prints, Javier strikes back by murdering their entire family (16,) and Lydia and Luca hide, and make their way to El Norte.
How long was this? 459 pages
Did I like this? Incredible story, riveting twists and turns, and also like a documentary about what a migrant endures
Overall grade: A

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