Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay

 Title: Every Last Fear

Author: Alex Finlay
Did I listen or read?: audible
When did I finish?: Sept 21, 2021
When was the book published: 2021
Main Characters: Matt Pine, Evan Pine, Olivia Pine, Maddie Pine, Danny Pine, FBI agent Keller from the financial crimes unit
What happens? Danny is in jail for killing his girlfriend Charlotte, the Pines had to leave town because of a Netflix documentary claiming Danny is innocent.  Matt is an NYU student who is notified when the whole family is found dead in Mexico, notified by Agent Keller
How long was this? 368 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good story actually.  Does the 'before' thing to go back in time, and each chapter has it's own character.  But it works well
Overall grade: A-

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