Friday, September 20, 2024

Calico by Lee Goldberg

 Title: Calico 

Author: Lee Goldberg
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 9/20/24
When was the book published: 2023
Main Characters: Beth McDade, Owen Slader, the Cartwright family, Wendy and Ben Cartwright, the Judge, the newspaper guy Overnmyer
What happens? Beth is banished to the boonies police force for sleeping with a co-worker, gets a case where a guy with a 100 year old body is killed by an RV, and the cop she slept with in LA comes to her to help find missing Owen who disappeared on Feb 2, the same day that the RV accident happened.
How long was this? 306 pages
Did I like this? A really good detective / time-travel story.  What would happen if someone really traveled back to 1882.
Overall grade: A-

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