Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Place of Hiding by Elizabeth George

Title: A Place of Hiding
Author: Elizabeth George
Did I listen or read?: Read a paperback
When did I finish?: March 25, 2011
When was the book published: 2003
Main Characters: Cherokee and China River, Deborah and Simon St. James (regulars) with a brief appearance by Thomas Lynley, Guy Brouard, the wealthy benefactor of the island of Guernsey
What happens? Guy Brouard, in the midst of building a museum for the island of Guernsey dedicated to WWII memorabilia left on the English Channel island by the Nazis, is murdered. Deborah St. James old friend (China Rivers) is arrested and Cherokee enlists here and Simon to help. Lots of twists and turns on the island with all kinds of characters who wanted Brouard's money or were having sex with him or both. His sister Ruth is dying of cancer and trying to sort this all out.
How long was this? 750 pages1
Did I like this? Good story, way too long. A good one from George, but she makes them long!
Overall grade: B

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