Sunday, April 17, 2011

Void Moon by Michael Connelly

Title: Void Moon
Author: Michael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 17, 2011
When was the book published: 2000
Main Characters: Cassie Black, a well trained thief. Jack Karch, a talented but murderously psychopathic private-eye enforcer for Vegas casinos.
What happens? We join Cassie as she is on parole after doing several years in jail. She has a job selling Porsches and is ultimately drawn back to the life she used to lead. She and her boyfriend would every expertly steal from high rollers at casinos until he died on a job. The plot twists and turns, as Jack Karch jumps into the action in the middle and the pace picks up and it gradually turns into a page turner. The first third is a bit slow as we work through Cassie's struggles to accept the straight life or to give in and go for the big heist.
How long was this? 390 pages
Did I like this? Not at the beginning, but once he spools the plot out, I couldn't put it down.
Overall grade: B+

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