Sunday, April 17, 2011

Struck by Living: From Depression to Hope by Julie Hersh

Title: Struck by Living
Author: Julie Hersh
Did I listen or read?: Read an autographed paperback.
When did I finish?: April 11, 2011
When was the book published: 2009 I think. It doesn't say in the book.
Main Characters: Julie and Ken Hersh
What happens? My dear old friend Julie gets sucked into the whirlpool of depressions, and tries suicide 3 times. She gets ECT (electric shock therapy) and it works and the gets her life back. An amazing story, well written, and very compelling reading.
How long was this? 230 pages
Did I like this? Very much. It was very hard to read about someone I know going through this spiraling of her life out of control, but it was great reading.
Overall grade: A+ of course.

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