Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Hard Death by Jonathan Hayes

Title: A Hard Death
Author: Jonathan Hayes
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: April 22, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Edward Jenner, the pathologist / coroner banished to Florida after the events in NY of Precious Blood.
What happens? Jenner goes to Florida to cover for a friend (coroner in Douglas County) who is going on vacation. His first case turns out to be his friend and friend's wife who turn up dead, as he stumbles into a thicket of drug trade and trafficking and murder.
How long was this? 416 pages
Did I like this? It was pretty good. I would probably read Precious Blood, except he gave away some of the key elements. But it is well written, moves fast, was generally believable. The closing "war" scene was a bit unbelievable, not my favorite, but still a page turner.
Overall grade: B+

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