Monday, May 23, 2011

The Sentry by Robert Crais

Title: The Sentry
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?: Read the library book
When did I finish?: May 21, 2011
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Joe Pike is the main man, Elvis Cole has his bit. A really bad guy named Daniel. A woman named Dru Rayne, who is not named Dru Rayne. Assorted cops and others.
What happens? Joe Pike, a la Jack Reacher, happens to interrupt some trouble, and decides he has to kick ass especially since he falls for the lovely Dru Rayne, who is helping a guy supposedly running a New Orleans style sandwich shop in LA. A tangled plot ensues with gang warfare and cartels from Columbia and Mexico. Joe stays with it and kicks ass.
How long was this? 304 pages
Did I like this? Damn straight, Robert Crais writes a great page turner, and Joe Pike is very Reacher-like, with just enough Elvis Cole for some humor.
Overall grade: A

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