Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hollywood Tough by Stephen J. Cannell

Title: Hollywood Tough
Author: Stephen J. Cannell
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/16/2012
When was the book published: 2003
Main Characters: Shane Scully,  wife Alexa, friend Nora, adopted son Chooch, her fiance Farrell Champion, hustler Nicky Marcella, hopeful Carol White, actor Michael Fallon, producer
What happens?  Two plots - A drug war is taking place and Chooch's mentor, American, is caught in the middle.  Scully works with Nicky to set up a sting for east coast mobster Dennis Valentine, who is looking to take over the unions in the movie biz.
How long was this? 330 pages
Did I like this?  Not bad.  Cannell's writing kind of gets in the way (how many different cool hollywood buzz words can we drop in?) but it's a good story and you get to know the characters and root for them
Overall grade: B or B+

Chasing Darkness by Robert Crais

Title:  Chasing Darkness
Author: Robert Crais
Did I listen or read?:  library book
When did I finish?: 8:51 a.m. June 23, 2012
When was the book published: July 2008
Main Characters: Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, Lionel Byrd, Alan Levy, Yvonne Bennett, Angel Tomaso, cops Marx, Bastilla, Carol Starkey (ex-bomb squad), John Chen, family of Debra Repko, City Councilman WIlts, a cameo phone call from the ex in New Orleans.
What happens?  Lionel Byrd is found dead with photos of seven murder victims.  One of the victims was Yvonne, and Cole helped clear Byrd of murdering her 3 years ago.  It looks like he was wrong, as the photo book points 100% to Byrd.  Cole works to clear Byrd, while strange things happen with the police investigation when Byrd is supposedly the bad guy.
How long was this? 270 pages
Did I like this? Darn tootin.  Great story, twists that one could never see coming.  Elvis and Joe together. 
Overall grade: A-

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Professional by Robert Parker

Title: The Professional
Author: Robert Parker
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 14, 2012
When was the book published:  2009
Main Characters: Spenser, Susan, Hawk, a little VInnie.  Gary Eisenhower, Abigail Larson, Beth Jackson, Regina Hartley, Nancy Sinclair.  Gary's girl at the health club - Estelle.  Chet Jackson and his muscle, Zel and Boo.
What happens?  4 woman want to hire Spenser to stop Eisenhower from blackmailing them.  He has affairs with young women married to older rich men, then blackmails them.
How long was this? 289 pages
Did I like this? One of Parker's good ones, good story, fast moving.  Not as tense as when Spenser or team are under attack, but a real good one.
Overall grade: B+

In Plain Sight by C.J. Box

Title: In Plain Sight
Author: C.J. Box
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 10, 2012
When was the book published: 2006
Main Characters: Joe Pickett, wife Marybeth, daughters Sheridan and Lucy, brief appearance by Nate Romanowski, the Scarlett family, Opal, sons Hank, Arlen and Wyatt.  J.W. Keeley from Joe's past
What happens?  Opal disappears and the book starts with Hank and Arlen taking shovels to each other's heads.  Keeley becomes part of the ranch mob at Hank's ranch, while terrorizing Joe and family with a dead ferret and beheaded moose.
How long was this?  303 pages
Did I like this? yes, real good story, good characters, Joe is a good hero.  He actually gets beat up in the middle...very different.
Overall grade: B+

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Shut Your Eyes Tight by John Verdon

Title:  Shut Your Eyes Tight
Author: John Verdon
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: May 30, 2012
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: Dave Gurney, wife Madeline, cop Jack Hardwick, Jillian Perry, Dr. Ashton. the Mexican Gardner Hector Flores
What happens?  Gurney is retired in upstate New York.  Hardwick wants him to help with the murder of Jillian Perry, beheaded on his wedding day.  Gurney gets into the middle of a bizarre and brutal story around the sexual deviants who go to Dr. Ashton's school.
How long was this? 509 pages
Did I like this? A really good story, great characters.  I had a sense of what was going on before it was revealed, but even so, pretty brilliant stuff.  My first from Verdon, would definitely read more.

The brutality and depravity was a bit over the top.
Overall grade: A-

Iron River by T. Jefferson Parker

Title: Iron River
Author: T. Jefferson Parker
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: June 8, 2012
When was the book published: 2010
Main Characters: Charlie Hood, Brandon Jones/Smith, Ron Pace (in the first person), Uncle Chester, strange Mike Finnegan, daughter Owens, kidnapped Jimmy Holdstock
What happens?  Trying to catch gun smugglers running away from ATFE officers, an innocent kid is shot and killed accidentally.  He turns out to be the son of a Mexican gangster, and they kidnap and torture Holdstock.  Twice.  Meanwhile, Ron Pace restarts his gun business building 1000 weapons for a Mexican gangster.
How long was this?  368 pages
Did I like this?  Parts I loved, and parts I hated.  The brutality and violence and the whole mexican situation is depressing.  Hood is brilliant; you have to root for Ron Pace to get the girl, and Mike Finnegan (the devil??) is a really interesting twist.
Overall grade:  Some places an A+ and some a B-.