Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza by Lawrence Block

Title: The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza
Author: Lawrence Block
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: July 11, 2012
When was the book published: 1980
Main Characters: Bernie Rhodenbarr, friend Carolyn, victim Wanda Colcannon and husband Herbert, fence Abel Crowe, Ray Kirschmann - crooked cop, girlfriend Denise
What happens? Carolyn's customer (Wanda) mentions being out of town, and Bernie and Carolyn go and rob him.  He has a 1913 v-nickel in his safe, and Bernie takes it to Abel.  Abel gets murdered. Wanda gets murdered during mess.
How long was this?  255 pages
Did I like this? Lawrence Block is the best.  Wish he had written more.  Have to go back and re-read the rest of his collection, although his series with the recovering alcoholic isn't as good.
Overall grade: A

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