Saturday, July 7, 2012

CIty of Bones by Michael Connelly

Title: City of Bones
Author: MIchael Connelly
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 30, 2012
When was the book published: 2002
Main Characters: Harry Bosch, older rookie Julia Brasher, neighbor Dr. Guyot, Harry's partner - Jerry Edgar, his boss - Billets (Bullets), medical examiner Teresa Corazon, VIctim Arthur Delacroix, plus his father and sister.  Deputy Chief Irving
What happens? Harry gets a case where Dr. Guyot's dog finds a human bone buried in the woods near his house.  The boy's skeleton shows lifelong abuse.  He gets romantically involved with Brasher.  A registered sex offender lives next door to the crime scene; the media descends.
How long was this?  389 pages
Did I like this? Love Connelly, love Harry.
Overall grade: A-

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