Saturday, July 14, 2012

Holiday in Death by Nora Roberts as J.D. Robb

Title: Holiday in Death
Author: Nora Roberts as J.D. Robb
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: Jul 5, 2012
When was the book published: 1998
Main Characters: Detective Eve Dallas, husband Roarke
What happens? Set in 2054, a guy dresses as Santa Claus is sweet talking his way in, and then drugging, raping and murdering people.
How long was this? 326 pages
Did I like this? This is abominable.  There is the incredibly perfect husband who is completely sympathetic and understanding at all times, in addition to being rich and owning everything in New York, in addition to being an expert computer hacker.  The future speak is ridiculous - they call it being "on screen" - isn't that clever?    And it's like France, there are a lot of the same things, but with different names.  Cars can fly. 
Overall grade: C-, only because I sat and read the whole damn thing, really is a D-.

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