Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Strong Vengeance by Jon Land

Title:  Strong Vengeance
Author: Jon Land
Did I listen or read?: Library Book
When did I finish?: March 13, 2013
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Caitlin Strong, D.W. Tepper, Cort Wesley Masters, Teofilo Brago, Mr. Jones (CIA)
What happens? Caitlin saves a bunch of schoolkids by killing a sniper, gets benched, and while benched, stumbles on an oil rig with 24 dead workers.  Terrorists and hazardous waste form a threat to the U.S.
  Cort Wesley starts off stuck in a Mexican prisoner fighting for his life.  D.W. relives a case in Galveston from 30 years ago that Caitlin's father and grandfather could not solve.
How long was this? 346 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good story, the Texas Ranger self righteous thing gets a little bit old, but a good plot that weaves the past and the present works well.
Overall grade: B

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