Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Little Bets - How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries by Peter Sims

Title: Little Bets
Author: Peter Sims
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: March 28, 2013
When was the book published: 2011
Main Characters: My daughter Jenny pointed me toward this book.  It is a great presentation of how taking lots of small steps is much better than trying to plan a giant perfect step.  You have to learn how to accept failure.  You have to learn how to be playful to be creative.  You have to look for Problems, and recognize that Questions are the new answers.  You have to learn from a lot, be inquisitive, get lots of viewpoints, take in all kinds of opinions.  You have to learn to listen to the experts (the early adopters, the evangelists) as well.  You have to look for small wins.  People who view setbacks as learning can succeed with this approach.  Praise people not for their intelligence but for their hard work, and they will be much more open to grow and explore. 
What happens?  Most writers are used to writing a really bad first draft.  Just write it and get it out of the way.  Constraints are necessary for creativity (i.e. the architect.)
How long was this? 150 pages plus resources
Did I like this? Top notch, the stories did not always match or were a bit too obvious.  Really recommended for my college student kids.
Overall grade: A-

Further Readings and Resources
Daniel Coyle - The Talent Code
Carol Dweck -  Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Leander Kahney - Inside Steve's Brain
Daniel Pink - A Whole New Mind
David Price - The Pixar Touch
TED - Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity
TED - Elizabeth Gilbert - creative process
Henry Chesborough - Open Innovation
Clayton Christensen - The Innovator's Dilemna
Jim Collins - How the Mighty Fall
Jim Collins and Jerry Porras - Built to Last
Peter Drucker - Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Jeffry Liker - The Toyota Way
Everett ROgers - Diffusion of Innovation
Keith Sawyer - Group Genius
Robert Sternberg - Handbook of Creativity
Eric von Hippel - The Sources of Innovation
David Bayles and Ted Orland - Art + Fear
Mihaly Csikzentmilhalyi - Creativity
Edward de Bono - Lateral Thinking
John Maeda - The Laws of Simplicity
Patricia Stokes - Creativity from Constraint
James Webb Young - A Technique for Producing Ideas
Tim Brown - Change by Design
Tom Kelley - The Art of Innovation (IDEO)
Roger Martin - The Design of Business
Bill Moggridge - Designing Interactions
Adam Richardson - Innovation X
Scott Belsky - Making Ideas Happen
Jason Fried and David Heinemeir Hansson - Rework
Greg Gianforte and Marcus Gibson - Bosstrappping your Business
Muhammad Yunas and Alan Jolis - Banker to the Poor
Frans Johansson - The Medici Effect
A.G. Lafley and Ram Charam - The Game-Changer
Riat McGrath and Ian MacMillan - Discovery-Driven Growth
Joshua Cooper - The Age of the Unthinkable
Peter Senge - The Fifth Element
Nassim Taleb - The Black Swan
Stefan Thomke - Experimentation Matters
Michael Tushman and Charles O'Reilly - Winning Through Innovation
Carl von Clausewitz - On War
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@brainpicker, @conanobrien,@frogdesign,gruber,harvardbiz
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