Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Running the Books by Avi Steinberg

Title:  Running the Books
Author: Avi Steinberg
Did I listen or read?: softcover, purchased by Mom from Amazon, first read by Paul
When did I finish?: March 10, 2013 ??
When was the book published:  2010
Main Characters: Avi Steinberg, prison librarian
What happens? young harvard grad (formerly orthodox jew) has no direction to his life, so he takes a job as the prison librarian.  He tells the tale of his many adventures there, where both men and women are housed, where "kites" are letters stored inside the library for others to read.  He has trouble with the guards, and with the prisoners, and tells his story.
How long was this? 398 pages
Did I like this? Pretty good, rambles a bit, but a fascinating look at a place where a book (or a floppy disk) can be made into a weapon.
Overall grade: B+

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