Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Rage by Gene Kerrigan

Title:  The Rage
Author: Gene Kerrigan
Did I listen or read?: softcover, donated by Sabine
When did I finish?: March 20, 2013
When was the book published: 1998 (2011 edition)
Main Characters:  Sergeant Bob Tidey, good samaritan Maura Coady, bad guy Vincent Naylor, his brother, Noel, partners-in-crime Kevin Broe and Liam Delayney, his partner Rose Cheney, criminal boss Mickey Kavanagh
What happens? Maura notices a car being left as a getaway car, and Vincent's brother gets nailed in the cross fire, and Vincent goes into The Rage to avenge him.  The crime is pretty well planned - Vincent gets all the security detail from an armored car guy, kidnaps a different guy, and they steal 3 or 4 drops before they quit.  
How long was this? 293 pages
Did I like this? OK, interesting look at Ireland, characters were interesting, plot was not great
Overall grade: B

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