Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hard Stop by Chris Knopf

Title: Hard Stop
Author: Chris Knopf
Did I listen or read?: Library book
When did I finish?: June 28, 2014
When was the book published: 2009
Main Characters: Sam Acquillo, vodka drinking detective and former biz exec, Amanda, girlfriend from the cabin next door, dog Eddie, lawyer Jackie, former boss George Donovan, Iku Kinjo
What happens? George hires Sam to find Iku, who he is having an affair with.  Sam finds her dead, and sets out to figure out what happened.  Set in eastern Long Island.
How long was this? 264 pages
Did I like this? Not much, didn't really like Sam, not horrible.
Overall grade: B- at best

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Deadline Man by John Talton

Title: Deadline Man
Author: John Talton
Did I listen or read?: listened - free from library
When did I finish?: June 24, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Deadline Man (name never given - business columnist,) Amber the FBI agent undercover, a bunch of girlfriends, missing girl Meghan, Troy Hardisty (rich guy)
What happens? In Seattle, DM looks into some corporate shenanigans, talks to Troy, Troy gets thrown off his rich guy balcony, and a bunch of people say 11/11.  The Seattle Free Press is going out of business and all the writers are getting laid off.
How long was this? 10 hours
Did I like this? Pretty weak overall, very unbelievable plot, hard to follow, and of course the James Bond of newspaper columnists with his single malt scotch and the bevy of ladies was too hard to take.
Overall grade: C-

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Play Dead by David Rosenfelt

Title: Play Dead
Author: David Rosenfelt
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/18/14
When was the book published:  2007
Main Characters: Andy Carpenter, dog Tara, other dog Reggie, partner Keith, cop friend Pete Stanton, computer whiz Sam Morris, Richard, falsely accused of murder, Karen, loyal sister, out-of-town girlfriend Laurie
What happens? Andy discovers a golden at the shelter where he volunteers, takes it in, and Karen finds him because it's Richard's dog, supposedly dead when he killed his wife on a boat and then tried to commit suicide.
How long was this? 310 pages
Did I like this? Wonderful, funny, entertaining, fast moving.  Delightful.  The plot behind the crime was a little hard to believe and tie in to the murder, and he never told us who was NOT at the funeral.  But great....
Overall grade: A-

Dead Silence by Randy Wayne White

Title: Dead Silence
Author: Randy Wayne White
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: 6/12/14
When was the book published:  2009
Main Characters: Doc Ford, Sir James Montbard, the Tinman/Tenth Man, senator Barbara Hayes Sorrento, cuban bad guys Hump and Farfel
What happens?  Ford kills Bern Heller, who has done bad things, I guess, and then goes to meet Barbara for lunch, but she is nearly kidnapped, and instead they take a 14 year old boy, Will Chaser, who is with her because he won an essay writing contest, that he didn't actually write, he got his teacher to write by sleeping with her.  Seriously.
How long was this? 354 pages
Did I like this? A rambling confusing story with a bunch of characters that I didn't know or like.  If Will Chaser wasn't doing such a great job as the kidnapping victim, I think I would have stopped halfway.
Overall grade:  C-

Saturday, June 7, 2014

After I'm Gone by Laura Lippman

Title: After I'm Gone
Author: Laura Lippman
Did I listen or read?: library book
When did I finish?: June 7, 2014
When was the book published: 2014
Main Characters: Bambi and Felix Brewer, his mistress Juliet Romeo Saxony, daughters Rachel, Julie and Michelle, lawyer Bert and wife Lorraine
What happens? Shooting back and forth between the 50's, 60's 70's all the way to now, we follow the story of Felix, who runs numbers and has girls on the side, and who disappears with Bert's help so he doesn't have to go to jail.  Julie gets killed 10 years later, and retired copy Sandy from Cuba solves it.
How long was this? 334 pages
Did I like this? Different, more a character study than a mystery, but overall compelling and interesting.  A little hard to follow going back and forth, but I am slow that way.  A great way to learn the characters and follow their lives.
Overall grade: A-

Dead Anyway by Chris Knopf

Title: Dead Anyway
Author: Chris Knopf
Did I listen or read?: audiobook from library
When did I finish?: 6/2/14
When was the book published: 2012
Main Characters: Arthur Cathcart and wife Florencia, sister Evelyn, new Japanese card dealer girlfriend, Three Sticks, Little Boy
What happens? Arthur and his wife are murdered by a hit man, but Arthur survives.  His sister the doctor arranges for him to be dead, and he takes up an assumed identity to solve the mystery.
How long was this? 8 hours
Did I like this? A really good mystery, started off a little weak, but once it gets going, very well done.
Overall grade: B+